Sunday, June 18, 2023

Past IHSR conferences

Thanks to the aid of Prof. Steen Halling, I obtained the following information on International Human Science Research Conference. This is a list of sites and themes of the past conferences since 1982. Here I share it with you all.



International Human Science Research Conference

Conference Sites and Themes, 1982-2023

(made by Prof. Steen Halling)

1982: School of Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. “Phenomenology of Childhood.”

1983: Department of Psychology, Duquesne University, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, USA. No theme.

1984: Department of Psychology, State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, USA.

1985: May 21-25. Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. 

1986:  May 27-31. University of California, Berkeley; Co-sponsored by the California State University, Hayward, and the Saybrook Institute, USA: “Dialogue Within Diversity”.

1987:  May 26-30. School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada. “Towards Integration in Human Science.”  (The tradition of holding alternative meetings in Europe is affirmed. )

1988: June 8-12th. Department of Psychology and the College of Arts and Sciences, Seattle University, Washington, USA. “The Ethical Foundations and Implications of Human Science Research.” (Subsequent to 1988, the newsletter is published at Seattle University.)

1989:  Aug 18-22. Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark. No theme (First meeting outside of North America. From the beginning many Europeans came to these conferences.)

1990:  June 9-13. Faculty of the Educational Sciences, University of Laval, Quebec, Canada. “Intersubjectivity.” (The first and only time presentations were both in French and English (a requirement at public institutions in Quebec). Paul Ricouer was the keynote speaker.)

1991:  Aug 18-22. Departments of Psychology, Educational and Educational Research, and History of Science and Ideas, University of Goteborg, Sweden. “Human Science as Methodology.” 

1992:  June 9-13. The Institute for Action Research, the Departments of Human Development and Child Studies, and of Philosophy, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA. “The Hermeneutic Circle: Voice, Narrative and Meaning Making in the Life-Worlds of Children and Adults.” 

1993: Aug 10-14. Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. “Human Sciences at the Intersection of Politics, Social Change and Development and Political Decision Making.” (We voted to go to South Africa if democratic elections were held.)

1994: Jun 14- 18th. Department of Psychology, St. Joseph’s College, West Hartford, Connecticut, USA. No theme. 

1995: Aug 21-25. Department of Psychology, University of Pretoria, Eskrom Conference Centre, Midrand, South Africa. No theme. 

1996: Aug 14-17. Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Beyond Form. “Transformation through Imagery and Action.” 

1997: Aug 16-20. Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. “The Challenges for the Human Sciences in a Technological World.”

1998: June 10-14. Sheldon Jackson College, Sitka, Alaska. “Interfaces: Heritages and Cultures”

1999: July 26-29. Learning and Teaching Research Institute (and others), Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom. “Qualitative Research: Unity and Diversity.” (The attendance at the previous two conferences was quite low (less than hundred). This year at least 300 attended.)

2000: June 12-15. Southampton College, Long Island University, New York, USA. “Celebrating Openness.” 

2001: Aug 19-22. Counseling Institute, Taisho University, Tokyo, Japan. “Caring for the Next Generation.”

2002. June 19-22. University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada. “Inciting Dialogue at the Edges.” 

2003: Aug 13-16th. Ersta Skondal University College, Stockholm, Sweden. “Human Science Research and Human Vulnerability.”

2004: Aug 5-8th. Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario Canada. “Embodiment and its Consequences in Human Science Research.”

2005: Aug 10-13. Bournemouth University, United Kingdom. “Values”

2006: Aug 3-6. John F. Kennedy University, Pleasant Hills, California. “The Multicultural Future of Qualitative Research”

2007: June 13-16. University of Trento, Rovereto Branch, Italy. “New Frontiers of Phenomenology: Beyond Postmodernism in Empirical Research.”

2008: June 11-14, Ramapo College, Ramapo, NJ, USA. “Imagination and the Human Sciences.”

2009: June 17-20, Molde University College, Molde, Norway.

2010: August 4-8. Seattle University, Seattle, USA. “Giving Voice to Experience.”

2011: July 27-30. Hosted by the Open University at Oxford University, Oxford, UK. “Intertwining Body-self-world.”

2012: June 25-29. University of Quebec at Montreal, “Renewing the Encounter between the Human Sciences, the Arts and the Humanities”.

2013: July 27-30. University of Aalborg, Denmark. Creativity in human science research, methodology and theory.

2014: Saint Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Advancing Human Science: Recovering Subjectivity, Relation, Process. (We had expected that the 2016 would be held in San Francisco but the potential organizers were at a loss to find an appropriate venue. After the conference, University of Ottawa stops forward and becomes the host without a business meeting decision.)

2015: August 11-15. Sør-Trøndelag University College, Trondheim, Norway. “Culture and Morality.”

2016: July. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. “Life Phenomenology: Movement, Affect, and Language.”

2017: July, Karkonosze College in Jelenia Gora, Poland. “Between Necessity and Choice: Existential Dilemmas in the Human life-world.”

2018: June, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC, “Dialogue and Inclusivity.”

2019: June, Molde University College, Molde, Norway

2022: June. PACE University, New York, USA. “Building Bridges, State of the Science.”

2023: August 7-11. Tokai University, Shonan Campus, Japan. “Intercorporeality: (Re) Connecting people beyond social distance.”